Glocks Chambered In 45 - Among all .45 Auto semi-automatic pistol options, Glock certainly holds a respected position. Glock is known for its reliability and simple design. This is an important factor for many shooters. Glock could mediate between those who wanted to put large caliber ammunition in their guns and those who were tired of only having 6 or 7 rounds in their magazines. This brings us to the firearm we are looking at in this review, the Glock 21.
Glock introduced the G21 SF (Short Frame) in 2007, competing for a contract with the Department of Defense. Although the deal never landed, the firearm gained prominence among law enforcement and citizens alike due to its unique characteristics. Based on the third-generation Glock 21, the company just made a few changes to this variant. In this Glock 21 review I got to start up and interact with the Glock 21 SF.
Glocks Chambered In 45
Of the changes we see on the Glock 21 SF, the most noticeable (as the name suggests) is the smaller frame circumference. Not to be confused with frame width. The short frame has less frame depth than the Gen 3 version of the Glock 21. This short frame depth allows those with smaller hands to get a good grip and access options. With the new generation (Gen 4) the Glock 21 grip length is almost the same as the G21 SF.
Best Glock Pistols: The Ultimate Guide For Glock Shooters
As previously mentioned, the Glock 21 SF is chambered in one of the "big boy" calibers, the .45 ACP. Most shooters know the 45 ACP as the classic caliber, and many self-defense shooters still rely on the cartridge today.
Glock combines tradition and capacity with the Glock 21 SF. The Glock 21 SF offers 13+1 capacity. This is a seemingly reasonable number considering the frame size.
Another unique aspect of the Glock 21 SF is the inclusion of an ambidextrous magazine. Although it was convenient, I felt it lacked functionality. More on this later in the review. Part of the Glock 21 SF frame is built with Picatinny-style rails for mounting accessories.
Many of the Glock 21 SF variants currently available are from police departments that have taken them off the job. These trade-ins can be found for as little as $350-400 depending on location.
Glock's Insanely Powerful Pocket Cannon: Meet The Glock 30 .45 Acp
When I first picked up the G21, I quickly got used to it. I know not everyone likes or enjoys the Glock 'experience', but as someone who owns and fires a Glock, I felt comfortable. Some may argue that it is a "nice" taste. Whether you like Glock's ergonomics or not, the 21 SF will feel right.
Even though it's made for use by people with a wide range of hand sizes, the frame is still pretty sturdy. I shoot a Glock 17 quite often and this frame has more grip than the 17. We will go into more detail about this later when we discuss the functional aspects.
My expectations of how this rifle handled recoil and overall performance were wrong. Based on the caliber, I expected those follow-up shots to be a bit more difficult. But I was pleasantly surprised. In my experience, this rifle handled really well .The rifle ran all types of ammo I fed it with no problems.I am really impressed with the recoil management.
The frame was comfortable, but I wish it had more textured surfaces. The G21 SF started to feel smooth, especially after a while of fire and sweat. The 21 SF felt slide lacks serrations at the front, making it difficult to grip consistently. Some frame stippling and slide serration work would be a nice aftermarket addition.
Glock G43 Vs Glock G45 Size Comparison
Shooting the G21 SF gave me a lot of confidence in my hands. My confidence soared when I realized that quick and accurate follow-up shots are very possible. We performed several drills with the C-zone steel plate while moving forward and sideways from a distance of about 15 yards. It's been a lot of fun.
Glock is not well known for its great factory sights and triggers. It's usually not great when they get the job done. My experience with the G21 SF has been consistent with every other Glock I have fired in this regard.
The G21 SF has a standard white "U" shaped back with a standard post front. I was pretty confident in getting these sites, but I have used them before. If you are looking to buy these G21 SFs (usually police trade-ins), dark Be prepared to switch sites for use on location. I know it's a matter of taste, but the fiberglass front with the black back option seems to work well for me.
My testing of the G21 SF Trigger showed an average pull weight of 5.5 pounds using the Lyman Trigger Scale. I know a lot of people are really against these triggers. I've shot enough Glock pistols at this point not to care too much.
Glock 30: The .45 Acp With A Variant For Everyone
This trigger felt notably smoother than the regular Glock trigger, which is very likely due to its age and years of "breaking in". Anyway, I appreciate the smooth winding and breezy break. No real complaints from me here.
Usually guns are simple and easy. It is a Glock after all. I still noticed a few things about the function that appeared to be quite cumbersome. The ambidextrous magazine release was the first. I feel that I did.
The design of the magazine release has a much smaller footprint than the regular Glock magazine release. Access to this release requires breaking the grip and rotating the frame. My hands are on the average side of size, and I was a little shocked that I had as much trouble getting the right angle to change the magazine as I did.
The slide release seemed to baffle me as well. The design looked like it was on par with Glock's regular slide release, but it didn't seem to work like one - it required very precise pressure to move the slide release. .
New Glock! G45 First Shots
That might not be a deal breaker (I know there are slide release options), but I felt it was worth mentioning.
As part of range testing on the Glock 21 SF, ballistics data was obtained using the Labrador Doppler radar. Use of Speer Gold Dot 230 Gr. Ammunition, Labrador ran and fired 5 rounds.
The average muzzle velocity for this test was 832 ft/sec from the G21 SF. Speer advertises a muzzle velocity of 890 feet per second. Let's take a closer look at the ammo performance we recorded with the Glock 21.
The Glock 21 SF is clearly a proven and tested firearm that has been in use for years. With readily available Glocks and aftermarket support, you are unlikely to run into problems with a firearm like this.
Shooting Review: The Glock 30s
My experience with the G21SF exceeded my expectations for performance. This is not a perfect handgun, but in my opinion it can be tweaked very well with a few simple aftermarket changes. If youare looking for a well-built and reliable .45 Auto, the Glock 21 SF might just be for you. Here's what you need to know: The Glock 36, like the Officer, is a single-stack .45 pistol. Like the Officer, the Glock is basically a scaled-down version of the original pistol. That said, Glock's more modern operating system and use of advanced materials definitely lead the older designs.
Until recently, the most common compact .45 caliber pistols were of a type called the Officer model. A derivative of the government's 1911A1, it was eventually replaced in 2011 by the Glock 36, an even lighter pistol. Chambered in .45 ACP and following the same winning formula as previous Glocks, the Model 36 may be the best compact single-stack .45 on the market today.
Designed by John Moses Browning, the 1911 .45 caliber pistol is one of the most successful pistols of all time. Adopted by the US military in the time before World War I, it worked through World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam and the waning years of the Cold War. The slab-sided, all-steel pistol was large, heavy, and impressive, but
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